Sperm donation helps childless couples and single women to a desired child.

By donating sperm, you can help the infertile couples and single women to conceive a desired child. Apart from that, you will find out the complex information about your fertility, genetic predispositions and possible sexually transmitted diseases. The costs of donation are reimbursed up to 2 000 CZK for one donation.
Why you should become a donor?
By donating a sperm you can help the infertile couples and single women without a partner to conceive a child. Apart from that, you will find out the complex information about your fertility and genetic predispositions and possible sexually transmitted diseases and other severe disorders. The costs of donation are reimbursed up to 2 000 CZK for one donation.

To donate a sperm in the Czech republic is anonymous, it is a subject to maximum confidentiality and all the communication among a donor and the employees of SpermBank International is subject to the strict safety standards.
Requirements for a semen donor
Any semen donor shall be a healthy male between 18-35 years, with at least secondary education and in a good health condition.

A sperm donor cannot be a man:
- older than 35 years
- without completed secondary education (diploma or a certificate from a vocational school)
- who is adopted; however, we may accept such candidates, who are able to provide reliable data of a family history
- who suffer from any hereditary abnormalities (e.g. spina bifida, cleft palate, cleft lip, etc.)
- who suffer from any serious diseases (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, schizophrenia, asthma, hemophilia, etc.)
- who are addicted to some narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or those who regularly take medications
- heavy smokers
Financial incentive for donation
The registered donors are compensated for the effectively, efficiently and demonstrably incurred costs for each donation. The costs of donation are reimbursed up to 2 000 CZK per donation.
How to become a donor
using a contact form, e-mail or on phone

Entry interview
- You will be introduced to the terms of donation at entry check-up, you will be asked to provide a sperm sample and you will go through an interview in order to assess your health condition and a family medical history.
- In case of a positive outcome of the interview, the donor provides a sperm sample for the laboratory tests. The donation takes place discreetly in a special enclosed room.
- The first visit takes about 60 minutes.

Second visit
- If the consigned sample meets the requirements for sperm donation, then the second visit takes place approximately 10 days after the initial interview. The donor has a consultation with a geneticist and is kindly asked to provide the blood and urine samples for a pre-screening to detect any sexually transmitted disease and genetic disorder.
- The second visit takes about 30 minutes.

Third visit
- The test results are available 30 days after the second visit.
- Once the tests meet the requirements, a written agreement on donation can be concluded and the candidate becomes a donor.
- During this visit the qualified donor is paid 70 % as the compensation for time and costs related with the donation.

Other visits
- The qualified donor can then donate the sperm repeatedly about each 8 days, he receives again 70 % of the amount for each donation - as the compensation for time and costs related to the donation.
- The withdrawal can be taken up to twenty times.

Last visit
- The blood tests take place 180 days after the last donation and the donor is paid last 30 % of the amount as the compensation for time and costs related to the previous donations.
Non-binding demand
by e-mail laborator.olomouc@fertimed.cz, or on phone +420 724 010 102